Join Us

YoTa Group provides competitive compensation, benefits, and promotes a family-friendly workplace environment.

YoTa Group regards its employees as important human assets. If you wish to serve the community, benefit the society, and have stable career development and security, we warmly welcome you to join us and become part of our family.

Remuneration Package

YoTa Group offers competitive salaries to ensure that employees are fairly compensated. In addition, we provide paid holidays, fully paid maternity/paternity leave, birthday leave, compassionate leave and other leave systems to enable employees to have a work-life balance.

Medical Benefits

The YoTa Group has generously provided medical allowance for the health of its employees. This benefit not only makes employees feel cared for by the company, but also encourages them to take an active role in taking care of their own health. Through this support, employees will be more motivated to work, creating a healthy and positive working environment.

Retirement Benefits

The YoTa Group has set up a Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme to take care of its employees' retirement life. This benefit not only ensures a stable pension after retirement, but also encourages employees to plan for their future. Through this kind of support, employees feel the responsibility and care of the company, and build up more solid confidence in their work, creating a better future together.

Staff Training

The YoTa Group places great emphasis on the career development of its employees and actively provides training programmes and long-term service incentives to encourage continuous learning and growth. Through these opportunities, employees are able to continuously upgrade their professional skills, broaden their horizons and further their personal career goals. This support not only motivates employees, but also creates a stable and growth-friendly working environment.

Other Benefits

We are committed to continuous improvement. We strive for excellence by seeking, attracting, nurturing and utilising professional talents. We are flexible and responsive to changes in the business environment and intense competition. We take pride in improving our business and strive for higher standards. We cultivate a strong corporate culture and work with our teams to achieve our business goals.